The moments of Sunday

Yet another weekend, yet again a Sunday evening post in which I complain about being tired, feel weird, and generally just try to capture the moment.

It turned out to be another one of those weekends where my brother and sister and I all hang out together. This time, instead of Piippu (who's out because he realised that he is in love with Elexa, who doesn't share the feeling) or Anna (who was caught for possession and can't come to Helsinki), the fourth one in, as it were, was Misu.

We did pretty much the usual, which basically nothing, and had a lot of fun. It was neat for a change not to think about the things I have to do or the work that's waiting for me. I just kicked back and let things happen.

Misu just left, so the dampening curtain of post-weekendness has decended. But I'm not done yet. I think Elexa and Joel are up for another Sunday regular to make the clouds blow over. Whee.
